Thursday, October 6, 2011

short & sweet

I'm pretty tired & am going to bed early so I can swim in the a.m., but it really something really struck a cord with me today and I wanted to put up a short note.

We come, we eat, we race.  What do we give back?

Money, yes.  But a lot of that money will never enter the hands of the friendly people everywhere that welcome you and wish you well in your race, and heck, your life.  After having a brief chat with a self described 'washed up old pro' surfer today, it became clear to me that this island are these people's everything.  They love this island and they have crazy respect for the people who come to race here.  So, do you respect these people in return?  What can you do to show your thanks?

So all I want to say is, buy local.  Do it when you can, and don't worry about being perfect about it.  I'm not here to preach, just to say, always keep an eye on your options.

Here is an excellent example I felt great about.  I splurged on a FUSED hat.  It's awesome.  I love it.  And I think it's about 1000x more 'cool' than a headsweats m-dork visor (of which, of course, I own).

Just sayin'.  Want something really cool to take home with you from this race?  Get FUSED.  But don't get mine, I have the humpback whale.

FUSED hats


  1. Thanks for the post and the support for local business! Glad to hear you got FUSED Respect is definetley a big part of our culture and when it is reciprocated by visitors to the islands we have much Mahalos!

  2. hey! awesome stuff! your hats are the bomb and i wanted to buy many many hats but had to use some self control! maybe if i do well in the race I can splurge on another - but I do love the whale :)
    all the best and I hope you get a few more converts!
    mahalo to you & your island!

  3. Awesome page and blog start!! Run, and some time,....come try the TriLanai sweetie. dormmate of your mother! I believe the youth of today are the extentions of ourselves in another era, era of freedom to pursue, conquer and defeat with less friction than our time. Except of course, the increase of quadriple inflation. So CONQUER AND STRIVE my dear!! reindearLNY
